Jake Winkle Watercolourist
With Jake Winkle
At the Royal British Legion, Pilwel, Marnhull, Dorset, DT10 1HR. Tel: 07872 890542
Thursday 4th July, 2024: ‘How to Draw Freehand (including afternoon painting)’
Thursday 18th July, 2024: ‘Simplification in Watercolour’
Thursday 25th July, 2024: 'Desert Wildlife/Animals'
£43 each or £120 for all three
Workshops are 10.30am to 4.00pm. Please arrive from 10.00am and bring a packed lunch. Confirmation of
your booking and further information shall be sent to you upon receipt of the attached application.
Please return the tear off application form together with your cheque made payable to ‘J Winkle’
to: Woodcroft, Queens Road, Blandford Forum, Dorset, DT11 7LA.
Please note that workshop enrolments can be cancelled and refunded within 7 days of enrolment date only
ADDRESS______________________________________________ DATE:_________________________
_______________________________________________________ E-mail:_________________________
_______________________________________________________ POSTCODE:____________________
4th July: ‘How to Draw Freehand' £43_________
18th July: ‘Simplification’ £43_________
25th July: ‘Desert Wildlife/Animals’ £43_________
Total __________